If you are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or cannot take notes for yourself, an ENT can take them for you.
A summary of lectures and classroom discussions or lessons, can be made by a notetaker sat in the room out of the way. These can be modified (changed), so they are easier to understand, but they will still have all the information you need. The notes will be clear, with bullet points and the important information highlighted.
Notes can be sent by email, or given on a USB/memory stick. They will be in the font and colour you prefer.
can also provide real time summary notes, which can be displayed on
a second laptop in front of you. The notes will say who is
speaking and what is happening in the room, so you can follow
everything. It is not a verbatim (word for word),
description, but all the important information you need will be
Real time notes are suitable for those who are D/deaf or have
a hearing loss, but have a good understanding of English
Notetaking support may be available through your Disabled Student
Allowance or Access to Work.